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Etude Stoffel cabinet d'avocats

STOFFEL law firm is held in its second generation by Nicky STOFFEL.

Since 1990 the law firm is located in the splendid mansion of rue Willy Goergen, which is protected by the “patrimoine classé de la ville-haute” and is located in proximity of the new courthouse.

In April 1999, Nicky STOFFEL, eldest daughter of Jos STOFFEL was admitted to the Luxembourg Bar and the law firm entered in its second generation.


  • Webdesign Elements:
    • Identity & Corporate Design
    • Webdesign
    • Web Development
    • Services Listing
    • Multilanguage
    • Contact & Geolocalisation
    • Search Engine Optimization


  • Web Elements:
    • Appointment Manager
    • Document / Download Manager


  • 3rd Party Integration: Google Analytics
Etude Stoffel cabinet d'avocats

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